Article 139. When operating brokerage business, securities companies shall prepare uniform certificates of authorization for securities transaction for use by the clients. 第一百三十九条证券公司办理经纪业务,应当置备统一制定的证券买卖委托书,供委托人使用。
This xid is always used when operating within the Distributed Transaction. 在分布式事务(DistributedTransaction)中进行操作时,总是要使用这个xid。
The state of such a process instance is persisted in a database ( the BPE database) between two transactions so that operating system resources are occupied only during an in-flight transaction. 这样一个流程实例的状态在两个事务之间被持久化在一个数据库(BPE数据库)中,以便操作系统资源仅在一个实时事务期间被占用。
Conrail's net railway operating income in1996 was just million, less than half of the carrying costs of the transaction. 康雷尔公司1996年铁路运营纯收入为4.27亿美元,这还不足这宗交易运作成本的一半。
The operating procedure of signing a contract, offering a quotation, accepting and examining of a transaction, squaring positions and the like shall be included with the explicit requirements of examination and legal basis. 应包括交易的签约、报价、交易的受理和审核以及交易平盘等业务流程,明确各环节的审核要求和法规依据。
At the same time, online marketing can effectively save the transport, storage and other operating costs, it also can beyond the geographical limitations of the transaction. 与此同时,网上销售不仅能有效的节省了运输、储藏等运营成本,而且跨越了交易的地域局限性。
For rollback transaction using abstract operating sings record the executive sequence, adopting the contrary execution realizes the rollback transaction. 对事务回退操作采用抽象操作符记录动作的执行顺序,通过动作的逆操作实现事务的回退操作。
Unlike other tools, TSX goes down deep into the DNA of the Windows operating system and is able to control all processes during a secured transaction. 不像其他工具,TSX深入系统的DNA中并且在安全交易中可以控制所有进程。
This study uses microstructure theory to analyze the operating and transaction mechanism of gold coin market in China and the speciality of its gold coin market operation. 文章运用市场微观结构理论论述我国金币市场的运行机制,主要阐述我国金币市场结构及交易机制,分析我国金币市场运作的特殊性。
Distributed Operating Systems involve many aspects in Computer Science, e.g.: Process Management and Scheduling, Inter-process Communication, Storage Management, Parallel Control, File Systems, Transaction, Clock Synchronization, Security Mechanism, etc. 分布式操作系统涉及到多个方面的工作,如:进程管理和调度、进程间通信、存储管理、并发控制、文件系统、事务处理、时钟同步、安全机制等。
The quick development and amalgamation of computer, Internet and communication technology make E-commerce operating on Internet fast develop. E-commerce with the subject of two parties to the transaction operates by means of electronic payment and balancing of bank. 计算机、网络和通信技术日新月异的发展和融合,架构于互联网网络的、以交易双方为主体、以银行电子支付与结算为手段、以客户数据为依托的商务模式&电子商务得以迅猛发展。
The policy quality determines the operating cost, transaction cost and different social loss on the cost-profit. 在成本-收益上,政策质量决定着运行成本、交易成本和不同的社会损耗。
Windows is a common operating system for transaction management, can't meet all the demands in real time. Windows操作系统是通用的事务管理型操作系统,不能完全适合实时应用需求。
In recent years, real-time operating system is widely used in multimedia communication, online transaction processing, production process and traffic control, it play more important role in Research and Application. 近年来,实时操作系统在多媒体通信、在线事务处理、生产过程控制、交通控制等各个领域得到广泛的应用,因而越来越引起人们的重视。
This confirms that companies can get high-quality assets and optimize resources allocation to increase operating efficiency and management efficiency through related transaction. 这证实了关联方交易的确能通过换入优质资产和优化资源配置来提高企业的经营效率和管理效率。
Supermarkets and chain stores for bamboo products are operating large-scale socialized production and reflect modern methods of distribution. They can achieve the standardization of business activities, professionalism and unity, so as to improve the scale of benefits. ( 4) Innovate the way of transaction. 竹产品的超市经营和连锁经营是体现社会化大生产的现代流通方式,它能够实现商业经营活动的标准化、专业化和统一化,从而达到提高规模效益的目的。
However, in the real contribution process, there is often lack of funding, which badly damages the normal operating order and transaction security. 而现实中投资人在出资过程中常常存在出资不到位的现象,严重破坏了正常的经营秩序和交易安全。
We design four modules on the basis of the architecture: the operating mode control, packet processing, transaction processing, and control of the transmission. 根据架构设计了工作模式控制、信息包处理、事务处理和枚举控制四个模块。
Generally, the operating of the land ticket transaction system has played a tremendous role in promoting, made a significant contribution. 总体来说,该项制度的运行对重庆市统筹城乡发展起到了巨大的推动作用,做出了显著的贡献。